Sunday, January 31, 2010

SoftList-Boardfeet Formulas for lumber 2x4 to 2x12

"Board Feet Formula for Wall Plates - 2x4 to 2x12"

Here is the board feet formula for wall plates. 2x4 through 2x12
Price is based on spruce table using 16' stock.
Of course you can change this.
thickness = plate width.
height = plate thickness.

This is standard SoftList nomenclature.
This is a custom formula.
Calculations are based on board feet per lineal foot of wall plate.

set_dimens (inches,inches )
;for 2x4 plates
if between (thickness,3",5")
lumber ( length*.67,height,thickness,16',spruce,lineal)
;for 2x6 plates
if between (thickness,5",6")
lumber ( length*1,height,thickness,16',spruce,lineal)
;for 2x8 plates
if between (thickness,6",8")
lumber ( length,*1.33,height,thickness,16',spruce,lineal)
;for2x10 plates
if between (thickness,8",10")
lumber ( length*1.67,height,thickness,16',spruce,lineal)
;for2x12 plates
if between (thickness,10",12")
lumber ( length*2,height,thickness,16',spruce,lineal)


SoftList Stairs Formula

For Treads: Formula should read

if matches (type, straight)
if matches (stair_material, regular)
set_dimens (feet_inches,inches,feet_inches )
lumber ( tread_count,1",roundup(tread_depth,1"),width,SYP)

For Risers: Make changes to Units = each and Quantity = 1
Change to Custom Formula

Formula should read
if matches (type, straight)
if matches (stair_material, regular)
set_dimens (feet_inches,inches,feet_inches )
lumber ( riser_count,1",roundup(riser_height,1"),width,SYP)

Trick- Countertop edge profiles

You can use profiles for edges for your countertops
Use Draw Countertop or create a 3d Polygon
You will have to adjust the width of the countertop to account for the edge of the profile moulding.
Also adjust the thickness of the profile and set offsets for correct height
Example: 24" wide x 1 1/2" thick countertop. 1" thick x 1 1/2" edge profile moulding.
Adjust countertop to 23". Change offsets of profile so moulding lines up with edge of countertop.


Techniques- Cabinet & Countertop

Technique #1
Lets say you wanted to apply a raised panel to the end of a base cabinet.
You have a couple of ways to do this.
In plan view in Drawing Mode

1.) Select a door style (Wall Cabinet) you want to use for your end panel
Note: If you used a base cabinet the toe kick would show
2.) Set width, height, and offset (vertical position)
3.) Set depth to 1" (shallowest you can set depth to)
4.) Place "cabinet" at desired location
5.) Use 3D or some other means to verify correct placement

This method also works for wall or any other cabinet.
Great for panels at the back side of a bar counter area or wainscoting

Panel Technique #2
Note: Need to draw in birds eye view
Use solids; cubes 3D polygons
Create a cube or 3D polygon of size of panel
Ex: 22" wide x 34"high x1"deep
Place panel at end of cabinet
Adjust Offset
Save solid and go to 3D view (SoftView)
Change material to one of the cabinet wood species and choose raised panel > single door
Rememeber to check scale or you will get multiple panels

Countertop Technique
1.) Use Draw > Cabinet > Plan View > Countertop
2.) Trace your countertop
3.) Using this method allows you to curve (radius) the edges
Note: Allows for cutouts of symbols.

Use of  Draw Countertop for tub decks:
Make sure symbol(s) has Cuts Countertop checked in configure symbol window
Ex: You have a whirlpooltub with a tile deck and you want the tub to show through (cut a hole) the deck.
Use method dscribe above for countertops
This a great example of how you can use SoftPlans tools to accomplish what you might otherwise not think possible

Have fun


Tip -Moving exact distances in SoftPlan

You can move items exact distances in SoftPlan.
Ex: You want to move a window 22".
1.) put mouse over window
2.) Press m key
3.) press home key
4.) Enter 22 at keypad or top rows
5.) press arrow key in direction you want to move.
6.) Press home key again and your move is know set
IF you forget to press the home key as the last step, you item will move freely.

This principle can also be used for copying items as well.
Only difference is press the c key.

This principle works with Adjust as well. Put mouse over item
Press A for adjust
Press Home key
Enter distance
Press arrow in direction of adjust
Press Home key


Tip - Pen Color Settings

You can have your plans print the same colors you have on screen or leave them the way they are.

To have WYSIWYG you need to change your pen settings.
In Wall Definition change your pen colors to what you will see on screen.

To change print colors, go to;
File >System Options > Pen Setup. Click on Configure Print Pen Styles
Set your colors and line weights.

Version 14 to see line weights on screen go to;
Options > Visible Items
At bottom of window check the Display Print Pen Style

You can also print out what your line weights look like by drawing a line and change the pen for all 16 line weights. That is pen 1, pen 2, pen 3..

You won't see much if any difference on screen (when drawing) till you reach at least .40 pen weight.

I have set up different colors for my existing, new, remove walls


Have Fun

Tip- Keyboard Shortcuts

SoftPlan has many keyboard shortcuts.
To use them got to File > System Options
In the lower middle of the screen under Options, check Enable Keyboard Shortcuts

The advantage of keyboard shortcuts is you can keep one hand on the mouse and use the other hand to access the shortcuts.  This will greatly reduce the amount of mouse movement one does.

You can also create your own shortcuts.  To do this got to;
File > System Options
In the left side click on Keyboard Shortcuts and SoftTalk Commands
A window will pop up and you will see a a listing of SoftPlan, SoftList, SoftView commands
You can show all at once or by command

To view what is currently being used, go to the bottom of the screen under Command List and click on Keyboard button.  A list will now pop up.  You can print this list as well for reference by your computer.

OK back to the example.
If you go to Tools at the SoftPlan Mneu Bar you will see Trim and Extend with no Keyboard shortcut
To assign keyboard shortcuts to these commands/tools;
With the keyboard window still open
Go to the Common Tab and scroll to the right till you find Extend
Click on the box to the left of the Extend Command/Tool
In the Currently Selected Command area the Extend command will now be listed in the Description Box
In the Keyboard command box Press the key(s) you want to use for the shortcut.
In this example we will use shift + e key for extend and shift + t key for trim
Press and hold shift key while pressing e key for extend.  Same thing for trim except press t key.
You will see that when you pressed the shift key it automatically included the + sign.
Remember, you must use a key(s) that is not in use or you will receive an error message
Repeat the process for the trim tool.
Click OK when done
Click  Yes when done to system changes prompt
You now have shortcuts to these commands

Have fun with this!
