Sunday, June 5, 2011

Beginners Tip !

Use Divide Segments (Misc) when placing posts, piers, etc.. Make sure to have Snap (F11 key) on

Beginners SoftPlan Beam Tip !

When drawing beams, remember where you want them placed vertically. In Drawing Mode, the top of the beam is flush with top of the wall. In Floor System Mode, the bottom of the beam sits on top of (flush) with the next lowest level wall. This will reduce the amount of adjusting and calculating the offsets (vertically up or down) for the beams

SoftPlan Tip !

Nudge Feature. Put cursor over item to move. Press Home key. Use arrow keys to move in 1/8" increments

SoftPlan Tip! Link Floors

If you have a plan with two floors, and you need to move stairs or such and it will alter the other floor, or the other floor needs to be in sync, link the (2) floors together before moving. Make sure both plans are in the Model section of the Navigation Window. Click Move or Move Block. On Status Bar, Click Link Floors Button, proceed to move the items.